DevNTell - Spect's Web3 Forms

DevNTell - Spect's Web3 Forms

In this week's episode of DevNTell we were joined by Chakra who gave us an overview of the Spect Network's Web3 Forms

🌟 Developer Spotlight

Chakra is a software engineer who got into the builder web3 scene back in 2021 predominantly focusing on backend development. Around that same time, one of his closest friends with a frontend background had also begun building in the web3 space. In an "aha" moment, they soon realized they had the makings of a great team which led them to found Spect

🔥 About Spect's Web3 Forms

From Spects docs:

Spect helps DAO contributors form circles that manage grants, bounties, onboarding and projects. Spect’s web3 forms help web3 organizations create the best onboarding, feedback & survey experience for contributors.


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