DevNTell - Universal Profiles with Lukso

DevNTell - Universal Profiles with Lukso


1 min read

In this week's episode of DevNTell, Yamen Mehri gave us an overview of Universal Profiles built with the Lukso Network

๐ŸŒŸ Developer Spotlight

Yamen is smart contract engineer who began studying computer and communication network engineering before leaving to start his career full-time in web3. Almost 2 years ago he joined LUKSO and has been focusing on the nonfinancial side of the blockchain space and more on the social and the creative side.

๐Ÿš€ About Lukso

From the Lukso Landing page:

LUKSO is the space to shape our future digital lifestyle and truly own what we create. A space to innovate, invent and interact in truly new ways. A foundation for trust, value and engagement - built on Universal Profiles.

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