DevNTell - Zitrone

DevNTell - Zitrone


1 min read


In this weeks DevNTell, DAO member Adam Sobotka (Vorcigernix#1185) gives us an overview of his project, Zitrone: a meeting management tool crafted for DAOs

๐ŸŽฌ Developer Spotlight

Adam is an ex-director of engineering, now utilizing his time to build projects and help organizations. He is part of Developer DAO OKRs initiative, mentoring two mentees in the area of web3 and in recent months he built two web3 projects and one starter kit. Adams latest endeavour is building Zitrone, a meeting management tool crafted for DAOs. You can follow Adams journey through his blog on Mirror:

๐Ÿ‹ About Zitrone

Zitrone is a tool that helps DAOs schedule member only events, stay organized, and increase community engagement. If you are a community builder, you can use Zitrone to enable your DAO contributors to have a better time management experience.

Zitrone Twitter:
Adams Twitter:

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๐ŸŽฅ Presentation
